Anders Valeria

We used to live in the USSR and work in different fields – theatre, cinema,

science, arts, etc. Then somebody left the country himself and somebody else lost his country.

We went away and settled all over the world – Europe, the States, Middle East (some still live in Moscow). But we are still full of an exciting mixture of optimism, romance and irony. And, still being friends, we overcome distances and stay in touch through the “Literature Salon”. We hope that our “visitors” will not get bored of this “cocktail”. You will find here exciting stories, poems, novels, memories, etc.

The first edition is devoted to the spring, smiles and never ending theme of love. The next edition will be dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory over fascism and will come out on May 7-8, 2005.

I would like to introduce to you the members of our salon (so far):

Famous humorist and play writer Mark Azov (Nazareth, Israel);
Almost a Dutch, but still Russian in heart, Valeria Anders (Geldrop, the Netherlands);
Scientist and poet Sandro Belotskiy (Jerusalem);
Writer and screenwriter Alexander Bizyak (Moscow-Haifa, Israel);
Devotees to the best traditions of Russian literature, Alexander and Katya Kostin;
Writer and publisher Mark Kotlyarskiy (Tel-Aviv, Israel);
Humorist and 7 times champion in international checkers Iser Kuperman (Boston, USA);
Writer Mikhail Lezinskiy (Sevastopol-Haifa, Israel).

You can find a brief summary on each of the authors in “Our Authors” column. You will be able to receive access to their works in a selected topic or through “Edition” column.

Our site is presented in English and Russian as indicated on the page (RF and GB flags in the top right corner of the page).

We will try to update the site once a month or when we have received new works. We suggest that discussions in “comments” section according to each topic should take no longer than 3 weeks. Afterwards the material will be transferred into archives.

Our site is not a “closed” club. We welcome everyone who wishes to join our company. We invite young writers to take part in a contest (please refer to the relevant section). You may send your texts in English and Russian languages. We are planning to publish “Art & Vivo” selected works collection each half year ,in which will come also the best novels of our concours. Please note that the preference will be given to the texts submitted in both, English and Russian, languages.

Please submit your works to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The editorial board includes all 9 members of the salon.
The first two editions were prepared by:
Valeria Anders (editor in chief)

Mark Kotlyarski (prose and publicism)
Sandro Belotski (Poetry)

We invite you to join our site not only as readers, but as members of our salon as well.



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