Anders Valeria
Betreffende vleeswaren en vleesмafia in Europa. 1- Nieuw vleeswaren SCHANDAAL in Europa In Internet staat informatie over het nieuwe schandaal, dat aan verkoop van grote volumes die giftige producten bevatten, gevaarlijk voor de gezondheid van mensen: "32 treinwagons met vele tonnen giftige vleesproducten werden in beslag genomen aan de Pools-Oekraïense grens in het kader van een onderzoek van Oekraïnse- en Belgische wet-handhaving overheid. Het onderzoek betreft vleeswaren met verhoogde concentratiesvan het giftige dioxine –: het vlees was in voorraad sinds

About the meat products and the "meat мafia" in Europe. 1- New meatproducts SCANDAL in Europa In the Internet appeared the information about the new scandal, connected with sale of large volumes of meat, that contain the toxic products, dangerous for the health of people: 32 Railway waggons with many tons of poisenous meatproducts were confiscated at the Polish-Ukranian border within the framework of an investigation of Ukranian- and Belgian law-enforcement authorities. The investigation deals with meat products with increased contents of the

Stolyarov Boris
"The Clash of Civilizations in Gaza Strip" or War in the Middle East Prof. Boris Stolyarov, Israel. We will observe Christ who would say leaving the Calvary: "These creatures are not worth sufferings and tears As they prepare a disaster for themselves." Accidentally or not but the day the war in Gaza Strip began, a renowned American political scientist, philosopher and professor of Harvard University Samuel Huntington passed away. He is an author of "The Clash of Civilizations". This

Stolyarov Boris
The Caucasian Oil Circle by Igor Borisov Three months ago into the world press leaked information about regular meetings between American and Iranian "diplomats" discussing armaments and oil. Journalist could never guess there were actually 3 groups meeting, not 2. Who was the third? Russians...What did they chat about? We don't know... A month and a half later there was a message in the media :ayatollah Ali Hameni had publicly condemned provocative statements made by the President concerning nuclear crisis

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