Anders Valeria

 Betreffende vleeswaren en vleesмafia in Europa.

1- Nieuw vleeswaren SCHANDAAL in Europa

In Internet staat
 informatie over het nieuwe schandaal, dat aan verkoop van grote volumes  die giftige producten bevatten, gevaarlijk voor de gezondheid van mensen:

"32 treinwagons met vele tonnen giftige vleesproducten werden in beslag genomen aan de Pools-Oekraïense grens in het kader van een onderzoek van Oekraïnse- en Belgische wet-handhaving overheid. Het onderzoek betreft vleeswaren met verhoogde concentratiesvan het giftige dioxine –: het vlees was in voorraad sinds 1999.
Volgens de verkregen documenten, is het vlees in Oekraine ingevoerd met vervalste documenten . Hiervan zijn gemaakt  vleeswaren zoals worsten en hamburgers. Volgens planning moesten deze producten in Europese landen ge-herimporteerd  worden.
 In de manipulaties van het giftige vlees werkten de personen uit Frankrijk, Duitsland,
Nederland en België samen.
  Volledig in het kader van het onderzoek, is reeds 1400 ton van
  deze vleesproducten  in beslag genomen en vernietigd." m-investigates-

 Dit rapport  op zich vestigde de aandacht op feit dat de methodes van deze groep veel lijken op die van de vorige vleesMaffia, die door Verhaeghe en
N. Sentobin werd geleid. De zelfde methodes van  vervalsing van documenten en de grote volumes van leveringen voor het verkrijgen van superprofits.
Dit las bijna als een detectiveverhaal tijdens het proces tegen het grootste  vleesschandaal  verscheidene jaren geleden, georganiseerd door dit misdadige paar.
Er is geen bewijs van verbinding van de eerste maffiagroep Verhaeghe en N. Sentobin. met „de zaak  “Oekraine”

2. De zaak van J.P.Verhaeghe en N. Sentobin in FOODIMPEX

 De partners J.P. van Verhaeghe en van N. Sentobin (ex-gehuwd paar) regiseerden hun misdaad. Zij huurden een fabriek, huurden al het materiaal en produceerden vleeswaren. Bij het faillissement hadden zij daar geen  risico .In het begin hadden zij normale producten, maar na een clientèle opgebouwd te hebben, begonnen zij met inferieure producten, met gevaar voor gezondheid Inbegrepen  waren afvalproducten, vlees van zieke dieren ziek,;voor destructie  bestemd vlees, met hormonen behandelde dieren enz. Van halve dieren werden de stempels weggesneden en opnieuw gestempeld . De veterinaire certificaten werden vervalst en de douanezegels nagemaakt etc. De productie van dergelijke  diepvriesprodukten gaf dat miljoenen US$ winst. Maar dat was niet genoeg ; zij claimden veel z.g. restitutie geld(subsidies).

Vele bedrijven in Rusland  verloren hun geld aan deze producten die zelfs niet  voor dierlijk voedsel werden goedgekeurd - Vele bedrijven gingen failliet want ze moesten zelfs voor de vernietiging  betalen  Sommige bedrijven probeerden om geld terug te eisen maar de misdadigers antwoordden: „als u probeert om geld terug te krijgen, verliest U tijd .“ Zij zelfs vertelden ons: “ Als u niet met ons bent, zult u niets ontvangen want wij hebben iedereen onder controle - tot het hoogste niveau“  Daarna was de enige manier was een gerechterlijk process te beginnen. Maar sommige bedrijven wilden hier niet aan deelnemen aangezien zij niet zeker over het resultaat waren Sommige bedrijven - als Antrex en VWC waren genoeg optimistisch - of misschien naïf - om het proces te beginnen.
Een politieonderzoek was begonnen en VWC heeft een monster van het slechte product afgegeven en verder volledig tijdens het onderzoek samengewerkt. Na 10 jaar studie vertegenwoordigde het politieonderzoek ongeveer 5 meters van dossierkaarten  over de fraude met de invoer en de uitvoerdocumenten, valse veterinaire certificaten en douanedocumenten enz.
Er werden zelfs gedacht  aan een link met de moord van veterinaire dr.van Noppen , maar daar was geen enkele bewijs voor
 Ten slotte begon de rechtszaak en dat was het grootste fraudeproces in Europa. J.P. Verhaeghe en
N. Sentobin verklaarden schuldig. te zijn Het fraudulous paar werd veroordeeld om een grote boete aan de Staat te betalen en ook moesten zij geld aan de beschadigde burgerlijke partijen betalen. Zij werden ook veroordeeld tot gevangenisstraf voor het geval dat zij fraude zouden voortzetten. Het proces dat bijna 5 jaar geleden eindigde en de dag na het oordeel, werden van de geconfiskeerdeZwitserse rekeningen van de misdadigers millionen US$. ontvangen.
De burgerlijke partijen ontvingen niets -  De advocaten van de burgerlijke partijen probeerden om eigendommen van de misdadigers te confiskeren maar de rechters keurden deze  niet goed . Zij vermijden zo betaling alsook gevangenisstraf. Hun advocaten probeerden om hen onschuldig te maken en de ambtenaar van het Openbaar Ministerie drukte niet op de misdadigers toen zij verklaarden insolvent zelf. Het is zeer cynisch dat zij zich als slachtoffers beschouwen want zij klaagden over hoge kosten van hun advocaten (men noemde EUR 300.0000. Zij zetten hun fraudulous gedrag  voort en bij één voort zij weigeren om de beschadigde burgerlijke partijen te betalen. Hun advocaten beschermen hen en adviseerden hen vermoedelijk waar  hun geld te verbergen.  Zij menen dat betaling aan de burgerlijke partijen oneerlijk  is, en zij verkiezen advocaten te betalen..
Op die manier, leeft één misdadiger in
Monaco en andere leeft in België in een zeer groot huis op een rijk gebied. Tot dit ogenblik beschermt het Belgische rechtvaardigheidssysteem hen nog tegen alle rechtmatige eisen van de beschadigde partijen. Dat geeft een zeer oneerlijk gevoel van het systeem, dat de misdadige groep, maar niet de slachtoffers steunt.
De situatie met vleesmaffia in België is onder juridische overweging.
Eerste & de tweede golf van vleesmaffia ernstig moeten zou worden veroordeeld alvorens er tragische ongevallen zullen plaatsvinden.

Volgende hofzitting - J.P. Verhaeghe en N. Sentobin tegen Co. VWC (Holland) in Gent op maart 09 zal zijn. 14.00 u op adres- Paleis van Justitie.

Andrei  Ivanov,

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    Het is verbazingwekkend natuurlijk, van één kant, dat niet alleen in het hand van Rusland de zwendelaars, zoals het de gewoonte is om in de Westelijke fatsoenlijke landen met democratie en rechtvaardigheid te verklaren. Maar het is droevig van de andere kant dat in Europa ook met het proces van het rotting en decompositie begon. En, natuurlijk, straffeloosheid en expliciete korruptie. Laatste en zeer duidelijk voorbeeld – de melkzwendel transactie in China. Deze sensationele tragische geschiedenis is bekend aan allen. In de bekende zin de doodstraf en de het levenslange opsluiting in de gevangenis. Alles wordt zeer eenvoudig verklaard, als de schaal van vergiftigingen een weinig minder was, dan kan en daar zouden zij zonder sensatie proberen te leiden en zijn steeds alles vanaf Foodimpex te onderdrukken. Maar hoeveel geschiedenissen, gelijkend op dit van de*meat*maffia, niet belicht in de media ? Als vlees met het mond- en klauwzeer van Argentinië, en schandaal met het vlees + het dioxine, blijkt enzovoort het feit dat in wie is het meer dan rechten, geld en verbindingen, dat durven te zijn, die het kon winnen?! Het blijkt dat de volledige bevolking de gijzelaar van de producenten van deze producten is. Laat ons hopen dat de wensoverwinning in dit concrete proces van slachtoffers van Foodimpex uit zal komen.. Als niettemin de geldigheid zegeviert, dan geeft dit hoop aan ons allen voor betere bescherming.

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    In the Netherlands died the man of “cow''s rabies”. This died the third person of the syndrome of Kreytsfeld- Jakob - the human form “cow''s rabies”, reports Reuters. Other two cases of death from the human form of cow''s rabies were registered in the Netherlands in 2005 and 2006.
    The syndrome of Kreytsfeld - Jakob is accompanied by morphological changes in the brain tissues and by appearance in them of amyloid platelets, which contain filamentary protein aggregates. The unique special feature of this illness is the fact that it can be transmitted further infectiously. In the human organism the infection can fall with the use of the sick meat of animals. From the beginning 1980- X the cases of this illness were registered in Great Britain and other European Countries. Under the conditions of the development of the network of the meat Mafia in Europe, no one knows, what meat in the sausages and other products the buyers eat. And who will pass away, will die the following? [E. Svetlov].

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    The leaders of the mafia group of J.P. Verhaeghe en N. Sentobin with the aid of their attorneys attempt to complicate the matter for the imposition of arrest on their property.
    But the Supreme Court has all authorities to find the valid of the solution and to support victims.
    Only decisive measures of crime control can stop the appearance of new groups of the meat Mafia in Europe.

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    To me, as a representative of Russia, which suffered from the criminal activity of FOODIMPEX, it is not understandable, why so tolerantly in Belgium do they relate to the leaders of the meat Mafia- J.P. Verhaeghe en N. Sentobin ?
    It is interesting to me, their neighbors- do they shake their hand?
    S.Sviridoff, the reporter

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    In China ended sensational process in the entire world matter concerning melatonin, which fell into the milk during the addition of cheap products to the milk powder. There was as a result they did fall ill and they did suffer 300 thousand kiddies and 6 of them died. The investigation of this process and the law court above the swindlers were engaged near 6 of months. Criminals, who let out milk with melanin, they sentenced: 2 - to the capital punishment, 3- to the life imprisonment in the prison, the remaining participants - different jail terms of up to 10 years.
    Let us compare it with the process above the firm FOODIMPEX, which with impunity produced the meat products, dangerous for the health of people. The investigation of the matter lasted 10 years, the law court of 5 years and still not finished. Criminals - leaders of mafia group J.P. Verhaeghe and N. Sentobin still on the freedom, in spite of the soft sentence of -2 years of prison (under conditions) and the payment of damage to the suffered companies. Remaining participants in the group avoided responsibility and after carrying out by them sentence they won by judgment their property from under arrest!

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    The appearance of the 2nd wave of the meat mafia in Europe was not unexpected /contingency, because the complete impunity triumphed with leaders of the 1st mafia group, created in Belgium under the leadership of J.P. Verhaeghe and N. Sentobin .
    They were obtained “light fright” for “them .
    Against this background a new food scandal with dangerous for the health dairy products –Melamine scandal in China sounded as the warning: it is necessary to take urgent measures against those, who want rapidly to become rich by any means, even due to health and life of other people ! ! !
    (For the information about "Melamine scandal":The capital punishment, the life imprisonment - such severe sentences are carried out by Chinese law court in the attitude of the protagonists so of that called of " melamine of scandal". In the epicentre of sensational case proved to be the company of " [Sanlu]" , that produced the dairy products, in which was discovered dangerous chemical substance melamine. It is considered that the addition of this chemicals makes it possible to sharply increase the content of protein the milkproducts. In this time on the bench of defendants on the whole it proved to be 21 people, among whom the management of " [Sanlu]" , the representatives of local administration, and also head and the colleagues of companies, which were being occupied by the propagation of production. The most severe punishment(shooting) was carried out in the attitude of two owners, one of whom was supplied to the factories of Ko."Sanlu" the production, which contains melamine. Another "businessman" acquired the finished production of "Sanlu", and then independently were added dangerous substances. The authorities of the country were ordered to create the special fund, from means of which will be paid treatment and the rehabilitation of all victims from " melamine scandal”".

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    Does arise question why the justice of Belgium does support the disturbance of legality and the nonpayment of damage to victims, why it occurs on to occasion in mafiozi ? Does mean, their statement that they “do control in the country all to the very higher level” (in the protocol of the matter) actually, it is justified? Connivance to the criminals, who jeer above the Court decision, led to the appearance of the 2nd “meat Mafia” in Europe in those 15 years, until chapters of the 1st mafia group with impunity continued to be entertained on their villas and yachts. It is strange that the European Union and the European Parliament will not express their opinion on the crying problem. But the Belgian justice of has & ? responsibility for future its of the country: contributing to the impunity of criminals, in the country cynical generation grows, ready to master the lesson “money does not smell”, they are ready to take an example from the elder “mill handles of business”, who made their millions over health and misfortune of many people.
    Only increase in the period of the punishment of the leaders of " Meat mafia" with the seizure of property to their name and to the names of relatives, daughter firms and the rest, and also the arrest of all their bank accounts, will allow all people in Belgium, and Europe to feel itself protected.

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  • Guest - Dorman Valentyn

    Dorman Valentyn from Berlin.
    Criminals have to answer! For similar crimes the guilties must be exposed as for crime against humanity! In no case it is not possible to examine " [doverchivost]" companions in other countries each of them, since most frequently each knows, what goods and on what price are bought. Thus the network of maffia structures is extended in the world as cancerous metastases, and to remove tendency toward quick profit will be already impossible. The guilties must be condemned with the entire strictness of law as for the intentional threat of life to thousands of people, and they are subjected to the life imprisonment without the right of appeal. Any property of them, even recorded to the relatives, must be confiscated and sold off so that for others it would be unattractive to commit a similar business.

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    Criminals have to answer!
    For similar crimes the guilties must be exposed as for crime against humanity! In no case it is not possible to examine " [doverchivost]" companions in other countries each of them, since most frequently each knows, what goods and on what price are bought. Thus the network of maffia structures is extended in the world as cancerous metastases, and to remove tendency toward quick profit will be already impossible. The guilties must be condemned with the entire strictness of law as for the intentional threat of life to thousands of people, and they are subjected to the life imprisonment without the right of appeal. Any property of them, even recorded to the relatives, must be confiscated and sold off so that for others it would be unattractive to commit a similar business.

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    It is transferred from the English version.

    Written by Anders V.
    the quality of the meat products, which consumes the trusting population in Europe and other countries, it leaves much to be desired, be better!
    At the beginning of this process in Holland they demonstrated the documentary 1-hour film (it made by talented journalist Diko Tellengen) and public saw, as from and how was made sausages, hamburgers and the like, then all was terrified.
    But when instead of the expected strict sentence with the seizure (the confiscation) of property Cout gave to leaders nothing significant, conditional punishment,- then this was the second unpleasant surprise in the matter of the “meat Mafia”.
    When the health of people under the threat -cannot to indulge to criminals!
    Apparently their statement: “With us it is necessary to collaborate, we all gripped and we control all to the summit level”- was not by bragging, it seems that there was not the exaggeration. When floated all their tricks with bribery of custom-house, ministries for obtaining the sanitary and other certificates on the products, produced and many others, then “little did not seem”.
    Their mafia network stretched from Africa to Scandinavia, from Brazil and England to the Ukraine and Russia. However, and that now 15 years later after the beginning of consequence (10 years!) and court (5 years!) criminals live in the villas, indulge themselves on their yachts in Monaco, but the deceived and robbed by them firms did not obtain a single cent of the compensation of losses!
    Where the validity & the justice?
    Where does look the European Union?
    Big international scandal.
    Written by Besedin Denis
    I could not imagine that this is such big international scandal.
    The impunity of criminals and their mockery above the justice strikes.
    If the justice of Belgium powerlessly them manage ourselves, then why their victims- the suffered firms, will not turn into the International Court of Justice?
    Indeed the speech of about the mass poisoning of people, and criminals made this INTENTIONALLY for the purpose of enrichment.
    In such cases law court must use the more stricts measure of punishment how they were by it sentenced during the carrying out of sentence.
    Besedin Denis, Moscow
    Ilya from Bremen
    Written by ''Guest''
    How do you think, why in our Europe does occur such? Who grows rich on our health?
    Fortunately, there are normal companies.
    I propose to condemn criminal pair. they wanted to earn on our death, so let they themselves suffer!
    Prof. Sandro Belotsky, Ierusalim
    Written by ''Guest''
    It is especially surprising and it is dangerous that the moral degradation, so alien to satisfactory and reality to the North-European countries, nevertheless degrade them!
    Written by ''Guest''
    It is read, as a thriller.
    When a similar injustice occurs in the USA, or in Russia, no one already at this is surprised. But when such crying shame with the complete impunity of criminals occurs in the heart of Europe, in Belgium, then it is difficult to believe this.
    I remember the process Of Rokotoff in Russia, for currency transactions, by sum approximately million of dollars sentenced to death execution, was shooting.
    But the leaders of the Mafia, which amassed by robbery millions on the health of the people walk in freedom in Europe and jeer above the justice, and no one for such flagrant injustice answers! Maybe, in Belgium there is no prosecutor supervision?!
    By mind Europe can not understand.
    Dr. C.Taleisnik
    Written by ''Guest''
    I that on the naivety, shameful in my years, that described by no means could not happen in the very center of blessed Europe, in such foremost civilized and not poor countries as enumerated Belgium, Holland, Germany and France….And that with such shady transactions do deal new being come into being or asking to rise at least to the level of middle class owners?
    There is no AN, rich people want to be still richer (this eternal, age long law)
    That they will select this unclean way and shameful method of enrichment, the resale of that damaged (indeed money they do not smell as rotten meat!), but infected by the chemicals, dangerous for the health of people, this not into what gates climbs and it smells of large financial machinations according to the results.
    But at the basis of their impunity, the corruption of official- inspectors, procuratorship, different experts… But the way of this meat lies by complex tangled , also, through Russia with the Ukraine, in which such examples not to consider, but it is there understandable. The countries change their economic principle, pass from one economic system to another, difficult and dangerous way, which America and Europe already it would seem, they forgot. It turned out that is not.. And they want to be enriched without shunning by the danger to hunt people, its compatriots and in those countries, which they help…
    My God, save me from such good deeds. Punish, if the organs of justice -they cannot make this! But that indeed mock fanatics, also, above you. On their tables there are not these products containing dioxin.… in their head it is not plotted.
    And this all in the center of Europe! - I repeat with disgust.

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