Anders Valeria
Картины Александра Костина из коллекции В. Андерс Работы Саши Костина наполнены одухотворенностью, и несут оптимизм и тепло, которыми он сам был наделён. Они привносят в дом особую атмосферу, меняются в разное время дня и радуют не только глаза, но и душу. К сожалению, Александр рано ушел из жизни (в конце мая было 3 года его кончины), но он продолжает жить в его картинах, стихах и рассказах. При просмотре не забывайте пожалуйста, кликнуть на ту или иную работу для увеличения изображения.

Anders Valeria
In memoriam Iser Kouperman. We received the sad message that our friend Iser Kouperman passed away last night 5 on 6 March in the age of almost 84 years. We know Iser from visits to Holland and Paris and of course from his books and contributions to the site. We remember Iser as a man who generally was in a good mood and never short of a good comment or answer. Iser once said: “ I am a very happy man

Anders Valeria
Mark Azov, writer and dramaturg, satirist and humourist, is an author of famous sketches for the well -known comic and actor Arkadi Raikin.He is also a screenwriter for film and playwriter for drama's in Russia and Israel. He made many publications in Russia and Israel as well as some published books.His last book "Fun, Prose and Love" was published in 2003. He is a member of the council of writers in Russia and Israel. He is a chief editor of

Anders Valeria
Valeria ANDERS graduated from the medical university in Moscow and postgraduated in the Brain Research Institute. She continued working as scientist in this area in cytochemistry and electron microscopy ; but her succesfull carrier ended when she married a Dutch businessman. She continued working in business as director of company "Europack".During the 15 years of living in Holland she also organised some concerts for musicians and artists, and exhibitions for Russian painters .Her poetry was included in a book with collected

Anders Valeria
Sandro Belotsky After graduating the Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute , he has worked as Immunology Researcher in several Moscow Medical Centers and then in Israel. Professor S.Belotsky has published about 100 articles and 16 books on immunology. Poetry of Sandro Belotsky was published in Russian anthology and Israeli periodicals.

Anders Valeria
Alexander graduated from the university of Tashkent (philological faculty).Later he graduated from Moscow Cinema Institute (faculty scenario writing).He has good experience as journalist and he worked as chairman of the scenario studio in the Moscow State Cinema Institute. Alexander is prozaist and cinema dramaturg.He is member of the Union of Cinematographists in Russia. He created more than 30 cinema scenario's. His prose was published in Russia, Usbekistan, USA and Israel. Alexander Biziak has the capacity to find the character of

Anders Valeria
Physicist and linguist on education. She is graduated from the Bielorussian State University, faculty of Physics, with specialization in Nuclear electronics, as well as Minsk Linguistic University, faculty of English, with specialization "Stylistic particularities of the stile of essay" and the University in Italy (Perugia), faculty of the Italian language and culture with specialization in Linguistics of Italian language. Translator/ Interpreter with experience of the work of more than 10 years, for several years she worked also as a teacher

Anders Valeria
Ekaterina Kostina is a biologist and ecologist with a University degree. She is the author of a number of scientific publications and articles. She has also been the wife and friend of Alexander Kostin for almost 30 years. After Alexander had passed away in 2002 Ekaterina Kostina published a book “Alexander Kostin Walks around the Moscow Zoo” M: BMM, 2003 – 160 pgs. The book is illustrated with fascinating sketches made by Alexander Kostin. Alexander has not completed all the sketches

Anders Valeria
"I am a very happy man for I have no ennemies. I have outlived them all" said Mr. Kuperman during his interview.Iser Kuperman is called a legendary person. In all history of checkerplaying ,nobody, even not some federation of a country, nobody made so much contribution in development and theory of playing this game.His series of tremendous successes in competition of checkers continues till this time. He is still one of the strongest Grand Masters in the world in his

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