Aaron Boris
Moscow, Arbat street Moscow, Tverskoy Boulevard Moscow today Near Oka River THe town Kasimov Wedding in Samovar museum of Kasimov The shadow In Russian Village Old Russian women ---- Murom, Monastery Murom, Monastery S - Peterburg - 123 123 123 123

Aaron Boris
Until recently, the Victory Day in Israel was not celebrated. Why? This is a separate issue. But for more than 5 years in Haifa they do organize the World War II veterans parade. This is usually the last Friday before 9-th of May. This year the parade of veterans was held yesterday, on May 7.Here is a short photo essay. Congratulate everyone on a holiday!Boris photo № 1 photo № 2 photo № 3 photo № 4

Aaron Boris
№1 - Etude avec pantoufles №2. Etude avec une méduse №3 Sur le sable №4. Etude au sable №5 Volonté de vivre №6 Lune et le désert №7 Silence de la lune et la mer

Aaron Boris
(Русская версия статьи на странице Бориса Аарона Russian version of article of Aaron Boris on the his page or on the link http://www.andersval.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4370&Itemid=143#comments ) A little the history. It is little known about the tribes of “nabatei”, from nowhere they arrived on, not how disappeared their civilization. There was this interesting people. Joseph Flavius casually mentions on them. Heathens, merchants, who conducted caravans from Arabia to Syria, to Israel, Egypt. It is ethnically close to the Arabs. Nabatei were skillful builders,

Aaron Boris
Photo №1. Let's hope that building of Jerusalem tram will take less time than the previous history of the city Photo №2. The Tower of King David Photo №3. Lions - the symbol of Jerusalem Photo №4. Montefiori windmill never worked/ Photo №5. Jerusalem Evening Photo №6. Entering Jaffa GAte Photo №7 Near Jaffa Gate Photo №8 Old city night narrow street

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