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  • Guest - Vera Stremkovskaya

    Dearest Valeria, Hans and Boris, thank you very much for your kind, and i am sure my life is full only with such a good friends as you are. best for you, Vera

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  • Guest - Aaron Boris

    Hello Vera!
    I can add only that I wish a lot of success and luck.
    With respect and sympathy, Boris

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    Dear Vera,
    That description of the situation in Belorussia combined with the difficulties you meet while defending persons who tell things not approved by the existing government, is very enlightning.

    It describes a situation which unhappily exist in several countries where dictatorial regimes dictate what is right and wrong.
    Specially touching is the description of the pressure to make a choise between law and activism ,just if there is no connection between the two.

    It is a poor country where speech of opinion is forbidden and thus suppressed.
    Hans v.W.

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