Belotsky Sandro

Respected colleagues!
I write this note on the significant occasion: the editorial board of our site published two books - “The splinters of empire” with the verses Valeria Anders-van Wijngaarden, Alexander  Andreevskiy, Mikhail  Etelzona  and  yours obedient servant, and also the book of Semem Taleysnik “The notes of doctor”.

 2009.book_1      kopiy-1   

Verses and stories have been published on the site since 2005. To verses “The splinters of empire” is introduced the thin and expressive preface of editor Vera Stremkovsky; compiler is Igor Bukhvalov; computer imposition Dirk de Kort and cover - Alex Cheremnov. To all them should be expressed our appreciation for the large labor. The verses of my colleagues deserve approval, although several  of my verses better would have been excluded as frankly weak, very politic and passage, that I myself would make, if I had the possibility of selection.
Book of  S.Taleysnik “The notes of doctor” seems not to need review, even not for me to make, since I wrote the preface to it. The role of Olivia as editor is not very intelligible, since I discussed that book in sufficient detail.. These 2 books would not have seen the light without the initiative and the organisation from the side of Valeria and Hans. I thus, congratulate all of us with these publications! I will add that to see its texts not in the electronic-, but in the natural book version - is an entirely different matter! Prof.Sandro Belotsky (

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  • Guest - Taleysnik Semen

    Dear Valeria and Sandro!
    I thank for the unexpected appearance of a note of Sandro. I expect the presentation of my Book ("Zametky]".
    With the enormous gratitude I related to the agreement of that respected Sandro to write preface to the book. All his observations and corrections were also taken into account by me. This idea - to ask Prof.Sandro Belotsky to write entrance as great work on realizing of the project of the publication of the book on the subscription, formulation of covers, correction of some titles, up to the councils for its distribution - all this entirely relates to Valeries, for which I thank. And as writes in you text Sandro :
    “… to see its texts not in the electronic,
    but in the natural book version - other entirely matter!” And to give them is also pleasant.
    Doctor Semen Taleysnik.

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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    I congratulate the authors of the new books with the appearance of their creations!
    I raise glasses for Valeria, Sandro, Sasha, Mikhail and Semen !
    Best Regards!

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