Belotsky Sandro


          The Truth About Gaza Strip

                         (sent from Jerusalem)

Around 3000 missiles have been fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. The bombardment has been on-going over 7 years already.


Rockets cover large populated areas - Sderot, Netivot, Ashkelon...
Over the recent months Hamas has gotten new generation rockets which reach Beer-Sheva, Ashdod, Gan-Yavne, Gedera.

Terrorists try to hit kindergartens and schools. They bombard solely the Israeli civilians.

Militants get paid and get their weapons mostly from Iran. The armament is being smuggled through the Egyptian border by the underground tunnels.

The Gaza Strip does not run its own economics. Electricity, water, petrol etc. is being supplied by Israel.

From the Gaza Strip to Israel the rockets are flying, but Israel continues to provide for the Gaza.... A strange situation. The Israeli government decided to stop electricity supply to the Gaza Strip... world immediately announced that Israel tries to exterminate the Gaza Strip civilians.

The population is 1,5 million people. No work in Gaza Strip. The main source of income is participation in terror acts against Israel. They pay for every single anti-Israel rocket firing. In case of death on post, relatives receive money and honour in the society.

The Gaza Strip blockade is what we hear on TV. For security measures, Israel stops letting Gaza Strip citizens on ITS territory - one can never be sure that the next group of Palestinians is free from a terrorist willing to blow himself up in a municipal bus or restaurant.

In kindergartens and school they show animated films appealing for killing "wrong-believers".

Video from Gaza Strip for children.

Rocket launching instruction: set the rocket up, turn towards the nearest Israeli town and trigger off. The aim is by all means the Israeli civilians. They launch missiles from overcrowded areas in order to make the Israeli Army's response more difficult. They often launch rockets from the roofs of dwelling houses. The "launchers" are predominantly teenagers of 12-15 who take it as a game.


Starting position.


Bombardment of Israel from the populated area in Gaza Strip.


                              Victim of Gaza's firing Children in air-raid shelter .                  



Ashkelon inhabitants under fire Victim of Gaza's firing. Sderot.

Rocket hit a residential area. Ashdod.


A flat in Sderot. After the shell-burst. Ashkelon.


Israel's south - sad outlook for over 7 years There are only 15 seconds to run to the air-raid shelter

Official news from Israel's MFA Why Israel started the anti-terror operation

The world should understand why Israel strives to eradicate Hamas' terrorists and allow its people live on the Sacred Land.

Thank you.


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  • Guest - 'Guest'

    Thank you for the various notes and remarks.
    We like to add one note.

    The "independent" Gaza strip has been born as a result from international meetings to reach a type of "peace" between Israel and to start a Palestine State.
    It was a type of test to see if the start of a Palestine state could work out.
    I remember the stories of Israeli settlers who had to leave their businessies and had to go back to Israel and start again.

    I am afraid that this agreement does not work out.
    And Israel has been diligent with Gaza, for thousands of rockets have been fired to Israel
    without retaliation.

    When Hamas delared war to Israel (by ending the
    non-combat agreement)- they could know what to
    Still I feel unhappy about the situation but should not know how to respond otherwise.


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