Андерс Валерия

Born 1956 in Baku - Azerbeidzjan. After graduation from Azerbeidzjan State University (Faculty of Journalism)
he was working in Azerbeidzjan newspapers redaction.
From 1983 he was living in St. Petersburg as special correspondent of the newspaper "Baltic Matros". He was in a boattrip to Arctica and published many reportages in Russian periodicles.
In 1989 he participated in the re-establisment of the Jewish paper "Sunrise".
From 1990 he is living in Israel and working with press in Russian language.
He is working with all information agencies (TV - Radio etc) and became one of the more popular journalists in Israel.
Before 2003 he was working with the paper "Vesti" and magazine "Chronometer". From 2003 he is press secretary of the party "Our house Israel".
Mark Kotliarski is living in Tel-Aviv.

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