Андерс Валерия
Картины Александра Костина из коллекции В. Андерс Работы Саши Костина наполнены одухотворенностью, и несут оптимизм и тепло, которыми он сам был наделён. Они привносят в дом особую атмосферу, меняются в разное время дня и радуют не только глаза, но и душу. К сожалению, Александр рано ушел из жизни (в конце мая было 3 года его кончины), но он продолжает жить в его картинах, стихах и рассказах. При просмотре не забывайте пожалуйста, кликнуть на ту или иную работу для увеличения изображения.

Андерс Валерия
POPA .... DARVIN and Darvinisty ... ???New amazing research show !!!that ..... male monkey exchange most delicious banana , food , so on and go without food for a week or two - for a photo of a female bum ... POPA ...They look at the photo all the time , only have a little break for a drink ..... and keep thisas '' a most wonderful object in possession ''

Андерс Валерия
About terror. 21/7 , 14 days after 7/7 , again a terrorist attack in London.Mercifully there are now no victims – one wounded person has been reported.This time it looks if the terrorists wanted to cause confusion and commotion by scaring the population. In that they succeeded – for the shock and fear are much larger then two weeks ago when there were so many victims. That is the goal of terrorists – disruption of society – of social life.Terrorist know that they can’t win in any

Андерс Валерия
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Андерс Валерия
Paris is nice in any time of the year – as it is known from the famous song :“Ï love Paris in the sunshine – I love Paris in the rain ………”But in Christmas time this town is wonderful illuminated and decorated withtrees and guirlandes. It is really a very special atmosphere.We were strolling carelessly near Notre Dame and we were passing through the center looking at the decorations ,and tourists from different places of the world were all around us. Then

Андерс Валерия
Translation from Italian Once there was living a boy with a bad character. His father gave him a little sack with nails and told him to hammer a nail in the fence of the garden every time when he loses his patience or quarrels with somebody. The first day the boy hammered 37 nails in the fence. During the following weeks he learned to control himself and the number of nails hammered in the fence decreased day after day when

Андерс Валерия
-Waiter's ,checkmate!- cried Lange. Checkmate immediately appeared and the game started. Mr. Lange, employee of the local bank, was a regular customer of this bar in the Wilhelmstrasse. A haunter made usually an order for a bottle of wine or a couple beers with some snack. The five chessplaying tables were seldom empty. Here people are playing usually for money.Iser Kupermann. -Waiter's ,checkmate!- cried Lange. Checkmate immediately appeared and the game started. Mr. Lange, employee of the local bank, was

Андерс Валерия
In memoriam Iser Kouperman.We received the sad message that our friend Iser Kouperman passed away last night 5 on 6 March in the age of almost 84 years.We know Iser from visits to Holland and Paris and of course from his books and contributions to the site.We remember Iser as a man who generally was in a good mood and never short of a good comment or answer.Iser once said: “ I am a very happy man for I have no enemies. I have

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